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Art Beyond Borders


Everytime I get asked to describe my art, I don’t really know what to answer because I don’t think that you can really answer this question by yourself.

But as others see me, is that I don’t go by the rules and every idea comes in the right moment at the right second without much thinking. I just merge myself with my film camera and we just become one big film gun and that’s how we get the most random best pictures.

Less thinking more seeing.

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Sophia Weiß

Finding ways to decompose a human form helps me to reflect on the strain and contradiction regarding identity  issues, which individuals encounter in relation with society.

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I am interested in movement. Movement which is creating shapes and color, as well as the movement which is perceived when looking at a painting.

When I paint, movement is guided by intuition and does not emerge form concept or prior ideas. To paint is to communicate, from one mind to another. 

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Ingrida Drevalytė

The "HUMAN FEELINGS" magazine is about socialization, human problems, memories and human feelings. It was printed in 30 copies and installed at Coventry Degree Show as one of my major projects.

Additionally, I have created a self-directed open air exhibition/gallery. The location of the exhibition and the main topic was my neighborhood Naujininkai. Naujininkai is known as one of the rough and criminal places in my native city of Vilnius. 

When I was a child, I always felt ashamed just due to the fact that I live there. It took me a while to realize how much I love that place, and how much I was inspired by it throughout my life. This exhibition was a tribute to this place, and I am planning to organize these exhibitions as annual events.

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The name of the brand came from my name, translated from Lithuanian as a pseudonym. It actually means fir tree, or as I call it, Christmas tree without the decorations.

It started off as a wearable art concept, however evolved by incorporating canvases and other mediums. I usually create from the current feeling, when it is at its peak. A lot of times it involves deeper, darker or harder feelings that I would still consider to be beautiful by the represented strength, growth, and self-exploration. Highlighting the contrast and duality of two or more sides. The aim is to address a state of mind or raise a reaction and thought, or simply to express what I cant put into words through paint. I don't only want to represent my perception, but for the viewer to make their own. 

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Because what even is real. Some people see the world one way, the others might construe it as a whole different reality. The perception differs in insane ways, might that be in "real" world or through a lens. 

All my photography has been captured using film with  the focus on catching the natural emotions and environments. I present the world how I see it and what surrounds me. I try to portray the most genuine, transparent and "real" (to me) outlook. While still asking the question: what is real? and what is real to you?

Each photo has a backstory and memory behind it. The first one was taken in Amsterdam and is of one of my best friends trying out these crazy outfits after eating some delicious edible cakes. Second one was taken in one of Berlin museums while my friends were discussing the connection between religion and art. Third one was taken in Svencelė (Lithuania) during Joninės, a mystical celebration of nature, summer, life, etc., which has deep pagan roots. When it finally gets dark, a big fire is a tradition that invites to dance, sing and cast lots.

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The painting with the plants is about the time I bought a monstera, and it had cute little fluffy bugs on it that killed all my flat mates' plants, this was my way of saying sorry.
The one with the aliens was a gift for one of my close friends (Hi, Motche) we spent his birthday together in Amsterdam and saw street art. I tried to paint all of them in one painting for him, but he thinks the alien looks like Pablo, one of our friends.

The painting of the rabbit is about the time that my flat mates bought a bunny during lockdown, and it was eating our furniture and I thought my landlord was going to keep my deposit.

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Moxito & Kessini


When Kessini is behind the decks, you're in for a treat. His DJ sets are like a journey through a landscape of rhythm, filled with beats that get your heart pumping and sounds that echo deep into your soul. Every performance is a captivating adventure that invites you to explore the farthest corners of music.

He draws inspiration from the authenticity and untamed energy of the underground electronic music scene. It's in these raw, unfiltered sounds where Kessini finds his groove, channeling his creative energy into each set. His performances aren't just shows, they're experiences, each one a new journey crafted with care and genuine creativity.

Donatas is more than a DJ. He's a storyteller, using his music to convey emotion and transport his audience into a different realm. His love for music is infectious, and it's reflected in every beat, every mix, every moment he shares with his audience.

He's not just playing tracks, he's creating moments, stirring emotions, and making memories. And through his unwavering commitment to his craft, Kessini continues to touch the hearts of his listeners, one beat at a time.

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Moxito is a musician and DJ with a vibrant 20-year journey immersed in the world of sound. With an adept ability to play various instruments, he's honed his skills to create a unique and soulful vibe in the energetic realms of techno and psytrance music.
As a DJ, Moxito is a master at creating rhythmic tapestries that captivate listeners, stirring them into a dance with his pulsating beats and atmospheric sounds. His performances   are  more  than  just 

sets; they are sonic adventures that sweep the audience off into a trance-like state.
Drawing inspiration from the raw energy of the underground music scene, Moxito channels authenticity and innovation into every performance. He's not just spinning tracks; he's weaving narratives and setting moods, turning every event into a memorable experience.
For Moxito, music is more than an occupation; it's a passion that shapes his worldview. Always pushing his boundaries, he continually evolves his craft, breathing life into his performances and captivating audiences with his musical journey.

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At Unit240, we push boundaries in Netherlands' underground art events to explore diverse forms of creative expression. We curate unique experiences to showcase emerging talent, inspire new perspectives, and bring together like-minded individuals in an intimate setting, creating an artist collective by and for creative individuals.

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